Wednesday, December 21, 2011


If there is one thing that gets my blood pumping in the early morning hours of a cold winter's day, it has to be the opportunity to take photos of the frost. I have never experienced anything as lovely as Mother Nature in all her splendor and glory, especially when it is frost laden trees and branches. The beauty gets me every time.
My little guys don't like me much when I go into their rooms early on a Saturday morning,wake them up, and make them get out their warm duds and put them on...just so we can go out and take pictures of trees slathered in frost. Actually, they HATE it! But they endure and they drag themselves along to eventually comment, "Look at that Mom, isn't it pretty?" and, "OK, I am glad we came out because we wouldn't get to see this otherwise." They are little troopers for the most part.
Here are some pictures I took on a cold winter's morn. I believe the frost to be some of the most beautiful work Mother Nature has ever done.

 I hope that you are all ready for Christmas and all of your gifts are wrapped and under the tree. I finally got my tree up last night...aren't you proud of me? It is a much smaller tree than usual, and I feel a bit guilty, but it will have to do for this year. I have made myself a promise that next year I will do better and I will get things done a lot earlier. I just don't know where the time went this year, too many irons in the fire I think.
The boys got to decorate the tree this year though, and I think that they enjoyed it, so it isn't all bad. If I had set up the big tree, I would have done the decorating myself, as I am a little psychotic about it. I think that they actually enjoyed the opportunity to hang the ornaments and string the garland.
I hope that you all have a very Merry Christmas! I thank each one of you for reading and hanging out with me. Thank you for your likes and comments on Facebook and following me on Twitter as well. It takes all of you to help me get to where I need to go and I appreciate each and every one of you!
Now, for the DAILY WIRE TRANSFER! Enjoy!!

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