Monday, February 15, 2010

The Rejection Letter

Well, I have to say that I did have high hopes, I knew better, but I still felt that I had a chance. I guess it is this ability to hope that keeps me going. I will not stop because I know that someone out there will see what I see. They will love my characters as much as I do and they will want others to come to know them as I know them. I will continue to put forth the effort to get my book published. One letter saying 'No' is not going to stop me. I have a dream and I will not stop until I know that I have done everything within my power to see that my dream comes true. After all, isn't that what legacies are made of-the dream that  could not be given up?
Above, you will see the official rejection letter from Arthur A. Levine. The words read:

Dear Author:

Thank you for sending your manuscript to Arthur A. Levine Books. We read it with interest but, unfortunatly, the manuscript doesn't seem quite right for our list. We appreciate the opportunity to consider the project, however, and we wish you luck in finding the right publisher for your work.

All the best,

Arthur A. Levine Books

Depressing huh? I look at it as just one step closer to the 'YES' that I so desperately seek. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Butterflies and the Bees

I found myself going through some old pictures last night and it turns out, I have taken some really cool ones.
Does anyone get nostalgic when they see a butterfly flitting about from flower to flower? Do you tend to get lost in their beauty as they lithely land and flutter their wings from orange to black?
I find that no matter how old I get, nature never ceases to amaze me. I love to watch any of God's creations here on our glorious planet. It brings a lightness to my heart and a smile to my face to see the wonderment of it all.
I make my boys endure long moments of just sitting and watching the moon some nights when we are camping. I make them follow me as I take pictures of butterflies and bees and anything else I can train my lens upon. I make them sit and listen to the rain as it tinks down on the roof and windows. I wake them up early on a winter's morning to go and take pictures of the ice as it coats the branches of the trees by the river.
As luck would have it, my boys enjoy nature as much as I do. Their bubbly laughter is like a drug as they try to catch the things that God built. The two of them run in the house and get me to come outside whenever they spy a Catface Spider building its web so that it may catch its next meal.
I am thankful God has given me the gift of sight and I pray that he never feels the need to take it away.
These pictures were taken right outside my house. It was the end of the season and the butterfly bushes were on their way out for the winter. It was as if the butterflies needed to drink up every last drop of their remaining nectar. They were everywhere on that cool fall evening and I relished in all their splendor.
The butterfly bushes didn't come back last spring, I think I will be re-planting them!
The bees were there too!
Lovely, aren't they?