Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Betcha you are wondering, "What is going on with her book?!"

Well, I just don't know. I sent it out and I have not heard anything yet. The way I see it, no news could be good news. When I sent it out last time, I got the rejection letter in record time. I don't even know if they took the time to open the envelope. I am hoping that Shadow Mountain is at least taking the time to read the first three chapters.
I was invited to Brinson's 3rd grade class to talk about the manuscript and read a bit of it. It was a blast! The kids were so intrigued by the whole thing. They had a ton of questions and a lot of comments. They were a lot of fun to talk to. The only drawback is that I did not have enough time to read the first chapter of the book after answering all of the questions. I wish I could have read longer. I think that they all wish that I could have read longer too.
After I went to the 3rd grade class, I was invited to The Learning Garden to read to the Green Room. Miss Jamie loved the book! I was able to get through the first chapter before the little guys got too bored. Jamie was so nice and she was very supportive. She thinks the book is excellent! I love it when people like what I write, it makes me feel like I am not doing it for nothing. I love it when others get enjoyment out of the words I scribe on paper. That is, after all, the reason I wrote the book in the first place, to provide enjoyment to the people that read it.
I got a job on June 1st, so I am at work now. I don't want to call it a career, as I am still hoping that being an author will be my career, but until then, I have to continue to work the 'traditional' job. That is not to say that I am giving up hope, or that I have resolved to the fact that I am never going to be a published author, it just means that I need to make some money to keep my family afloat. I don't mind the 'traditional' job, it is just that I would rather be doing what I want to do instead of what I have to do. Oh well, it is the way of the world we live in, is it not?
Well, I am truly hoping for some good news this time and I will definitely keep you posted. As always, keep your fingers crossed for me and I will be back again soon!

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