Thursday, May 20, 2010

Decisions, Decisions...

I have decided. I have decided to try Shadow Mountain Publishing. The stories that they publish appeal to every dreamy little bone in my body. It would be an honor to have them as a publisher. I have looked at their website so many times. Their submission guidelines are some of the most inviting words I have ever read. They seem as though they are genuinely interested in the new author that has never written anything in their entire life. They seem like a publishing house that would make you feel welcome and make you feel as though you are part of the team. I like that. I really wasn't sure where I was going next, but I have finally decided. It is a good feeling to know that my manuscript is finally going in the mail once more. I find it rewarding in its own little way. At least my dream of being an author is not dead on a shelf....yet.
Shadow Mountain Publishing is the publishing company that published this book...
and this book...
and this book...
and this book...
and this book...
so, I have decided to send my manuscript to this publisher, to see if they would like to have a read...or not.
I have re-written the query letter and I think it is pretty good, in fact I think it is better than 'pretty good'. I think, if I were reading this query letter, I would definitely want to read the manuscript. And if I took the time to read the manuscript, I would find that the story is very good and that I would definitely want to put it in print and see Janet K. Cozzens on the top of the Best Sellers List!
I know, I may be dreaming, but what is wrong with having a dream? Aren't dreams the salt that life is made of? Where would this world be if it were not for the dreams? I think that it would be a very boring place, as we would not be unlike each other. That would be no fun at all. How would it be if we all thought the same thoughts and did the same things day after day? Think about it, that would be frightening, wouldn't you say? Dreams are the building blocks of our country. I plan to take a dream and make it a reality. That has been my plan since the very beginning of all of this and I cannot give up on my dreams. What would I be teaching my children?
Well, that is where I am at right now, in this moment of time. I am soon off to the post office to drop another envelope into the mail box to be sent to Salt Lake City, Utah in hopes that a publisher out there is going to be willing to give a little Wyoming girl a chance to see a dream come true. I hope to be marking off a 'yes' and letting you all know about it very soon!

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